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Download Cutenote Notepad For Android

 CuteNote Notepad
Category : Note 

CuteNote Notepad is an android note/notepad app where included many features.

Main Features : 

1. take anything as a note , write, paste and save 
2. Password protected note
3. Time and date automatically have been recorded on each topic 
4. Save note with a title 
5. scrolling calendar
6. 24hrs local time counter

7. Call to anywhere
8. Customization for your note 
9. change text and background color and turn reading mode gorgeous
10. One click to copy all text of the note
11. Enable/disable reading mode
12. Enable/disable edit mode
13. Share note in anywhere
14. unlimited text can be saved
15. general note
16. Money and bank note
17. Studentship & Study Note
18. Doctor & Medicine Note
19. Password store

Anything can be stored as a note.This Application is totally free.
Apk version : 2.2
Developed by : Cutecode Labs Inc.


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